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Past Production


By Past Production

The Christmas Season saw the nights drawing in and as we donned our hats and gloves, the magic of the theatre beckoned!  Petersfield Youth Theatre drew in the crowds, when they presented the heart-warming story of ‘Annie’ in 2016.

‘Annie’ has one of the most popular scores in musical theatre and with auditions complete, the rehearsals were soon underway!

Excitement was over-flowing and once rehearsals were in full swing, the attention turned to the building and creation of the set and with a wonderful team of staff and volunteers, we created the magic that awaited the audience for our Christmas performances!


By Past Production

Based on Voltaire’s satirical writings, Candide bubbled and frothed with Leonard Bernstein’s boundless musical invention.

Snobbery, philosophy and nobility were all equally ridiculed in this incredible story, as Candide circled the globe in search of his love.

The story is often witty and sometimes a bit naughty, so it was perfect for our ensemble of teenage actors.  Though the story is centuries old, PYT’s production injected youthful charm and energy into this impressive and epic production.

Alice in Wonderland

By Past Production

Delighted audiences travelled down the rabbit hole and joined Alice in one of literature’s most beloved madcap adventures this September.

They met the White Rabbit who’s always late, watched the Dodo and his friends take part in an absurd Caucus race and enjoyed tea with the Mad Hatter, and avoided the clutches of the Queen of Hearts!

All that Jazz!

By Past Production, Uncategorized

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© 2022 Petersfield Youth Theatre.