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We are hoping that one high profile fundraising scheme will be more beneficial than an endless stream of different smaller events. By paying via Standing Order there’s no fuss involved and you get the satisfaction of helping a local charity without really having to do very much. Unlike national schemes, there’s also a much higher chance of you winning something!

The funds raised will be for the PYT Bursary which is designed to assist members who may not otherwise be able to participate in PYT activities due to financial barriers. These bursaries will cover up to 100% of the fee for these activities and each application will be carefully assessed on a case by case basis. In order to apply for the Bursary members need to request an application pack as detailed on our ‘Join Us’ page.

Without Weekly Winners subscribers we would be unable to offer this support. If there is any surplus income it will be used towards our creative programme which will benefit all PYT members.

Please click on the button below to learn more about how it works and how to apply.